Short answer yes, why not? The key is to come up with what you expect your user to get put off it; and then from the point of view of the user, and what they expects out of it. The intersection of the two sets gives you the minimum required to successfully go mobile.

Going mobile can mean different things and because of that implementation may vary. In most cases it means a mobile version of the current offering via a mobile browser. Now I chose my previous words carefully because mobile could mean two things; a mobile application or a mobile website.

Mobile Web Site

This is a mobile version of the standard website. It may or may not contain all the information the main website has. Mobile sites currently are stripped down with plain html and css, currently only next gen phones such as the iPhone, android and windows mobile 8 phone support more complex CSS and javaScript. Even though this is quite a limitation it those not mean that you cannot have a usefull and compelling mobile site that runs on even a cheap prepaid phone. The key is to simplify and keep it clean.

Mobile Applications

Mobile applications fall under two buckets:

  1. Mobile Web Application: This is a mobile website that is not just informative but provides some functionality to the user.
  2. Phone OS Application: Most phones use the JAVA ME framework for developing and running application on you phone. The iPhone uses objective-c and cocoa for its rich applications, And Windows Mobile Phones use the .Net Compact Framework.

The hard part is figuring out exactly where your demographics lie and the proper method of content delivery.

I was out with a couple of fríends recently, geek drinking at best. The group consisted of two generations of programmers, the main theme was Management horror stories.Since I am on the younger end of the age spectrum I guess it is naive of me to think that with all the project management Systems out there that we could pick one and be productive in of.

I think that part of it is plausible deny-ability of accountability. What I mean about this is that if there is no system in place then You can’t be held accountable. Im starting to think if anyone used project management systems properly at all, i know they buy them….but do the really use them.

If you think that twitter is infallible then stop reading now…. Ok still with me good. Like many people I know we believe that twitter could be a use full messaging system. But as of late it has become 80% noise, posts about you just getting in your car and arriving at work is really just noise. There is really no use full information there, I call these people the “nit-twits“. Keep that on your facebook/myspace pages because if you make post like the one previously mentioned then most likely you have an account. The idea is short meaning  full messages, and that kinda got lost.

Twobble with Twitters (very funny video and proves the point)

Effective uses of twitter (whether they are evil and using it for financial an personal gains is irrelevant):

News Alerts

While a bad execution because i don’t believe CNN needs 5+ twitter account, the idea of having headlines on twitter is appealing because most of the time when you listen to the news you only take back with you the headlines and then, maybe, sometimes if you are really really interested you will sit down and look it up.

Artists connecting with their fans

Bad example Jessica Simpson “I love La Mer. Is it bad that I want my pool filled with it? I could jump in and just swim.”  …ok so maybe that’s was too easy. Good Example Metallica “A Few Thoughts From Cleveland at 3 am: IT’S BEEN special..”

Software Updates

Companies announcing update, patches or new release  of software.

In the end if you want twitter to succeed help it become more than just a fad, right now they only make money by investors…eventually they want return on investment and there just going to end up owning meaningless noise.